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Term 2/3
Year 5/6


This is run over Term 2 and 3.  It requires commitment for both terms, to attend a weekly training session and games that are held on Saturdays at the EBIS courts.  This competition is run by Motu Kairangi Netball for Year 5 and 6 players.  There are 6 players on a court, playing a modified version of Netball to enable skills to be developed by players.  The cost per player is $65.  Payment can be made in person, or via Kindo.


If you are interested in playing for Term 2 and 3, please complete the registration form by Friday 28th March.  Click this link to register:


Like all sports, each team will require a coach, if you are interested in coaching, please email .  We are unable to confirm team entries unless we have a coach.


Keep an eye on HERO for confirmation of teams


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