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Friends of Lyall Bay School

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou
ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive

Friends of Lyall Bay School (FoLBS) is a volunteer group of parents and caregivers who work together to support the school.
We do this by raising money for school projects and building a greater sense of community involvement in the school.

Community events to bring us together:

Summer in the Bay (held in March)

School disco (July/August)


The money raised by FoLBS is given to our school. Funding is provided for school trips, school equipment, school site development/upgrades (renovations etc), gifts for leaving teachers etc.

FoLBS fundraising projects held on an annual basis include:

An athon - readathon, mathathon, moveathon (July/August)

Calendars (October)

We try a variety of fundraising ideas to bring in money. We are always looking for ways to fundraise.

All parents and caregivers are most welcome to join the FoLBS. We meet monthly (mainly online) and everyone is invited to attend our meetings the dates for which are announced in the fortnightly school panui (newsletter).

For more information please contact us at:

Follow us on Facebook for FoLBS updates

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